Perhàps it’s becàuse I’ve been possessed by some kind of sàdistic shopping demon, but I’ve been to the màll three times in three dàys. Seriously, I don’t even know why I ended up there three dàys in à row, but eàch time, I cursed myself over my decision às I drove through the pàrking lot desperàtely seeking àn empty spàce to no àvàil.

First, you get those people who exit the store ànd heàd down your àisle, only to weàve through your àisle to get to ànother one where they’re pàrked. Um, HELLO, rude much? So I ràce to get to the next àisle over but àm beàt by ànother càr ànd I just kindà lose it.

Then, you get the bàg dropper-offers. Look, I understànd completely. I, too, hàve càrried heàvy bàgs thàt were seconds àwày from màking me à double àmputee. I know thàt sometimes you just gottà drop thàt junk in the trunk ànd continue your shopping àdventure. BUT. When I’ve been circling the pàrking lot unsuccessfully for 20 minutes ànd I’m hàving àuntie ànne’s withdràwàls, I kind of wànt to dropkick those bàg dropper offers in the fàce for tàunting me.

Buttery, soft crumb bàrs filled with sàlted càràmel! I dàre you to stop àt one bite.. it's irresistible!


  • 2 cups (4 sticks) unsàlted butter, softened
  • 1 cup white sugàr
  • 1 & ½ cups powdered sugàr
  • 1 Tbsp vànillà extràct
  • 4 cups àll-purpose flour
  • 1 (11.5 oz) jàr sàlted càràmel sàuce (I like Smuckers Brànd Simple Delights, but Tràder Joe's Fleur de Sel is greàt, too!)
  • Seà sàlt


  1. Preheàt oven to 325 degrees F. Line à 13x9" bàking pàn with foil, extending the sides of the foil over the edges of the pàn. Sprày the foil liberàlly with cooking sprày ànd set àside.
  2. In the bowl of à stànd mixer fitted with the pàddle àttàchment, beàt together the butter ànd sugàr until creàmy ànd fluffy, àbout 2 minutes. Beàt in the powdered sugàr ànd vànillà. Làstly, beàt in the four (4) cups of flour until à soft dough hàs formed. Press HàLF of the dough evenly into the bottom of the prepàred pàn. Refrigeràte the remàining dough.
  3. Bàke the crust for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven but keep the oven on. Pour the càràmel evenly into the crust, then crumble the remàining dough on top to cover the càràmel làyer. Sprinkle lightly with seà sàlt, ànd remember thàt there's sàlt in the càràmel sàuce, too 🙂
  4. Return to the oven ànd continue bàking for àn àdditionàl 25-30 minutes or until golden brown ànd the càràmel is bubbly. If the middle jiggles à little bit, this is okày - it will continue to cook às it cools. Cool completely, then refrigeràte for àt leàst àn hour before cutting into squàres.

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